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Tipster Profile

  • Anderson Kelson

  • Tipster Since 09/Aug/24

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Contest Last 12 months
Rank Rent Tips Odd Rank Rent Tips Odd
2311 -1,049% 43
41367 0%
( / )
2264 -1,049% 43
- - -

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Month's top Tipsters
1 sanghunt 20€ 2,209%
2 miserexman 17,5€ 1,801%
3 jufinha 15€ 1,714%
4 bsatillo 12,5€ 1,273%
5 Jorge70 10€ 1,257%
ST RJMeloMag 1,215%
6 João Santa 10€ 1,063%
7 Blinha 10€ 1,037%
8 Pablito 10€ 959%
9 evertonquel 10€ 944%
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: 47105 : 11478742