Complete stats for the competition

Regionalliga 2015/2016


Team Statistics

Team G W (%) L (%) D (%) C.S. S.T. /g S.O.T. /g FLS /g CRN /g OFS /g POS /g (%)
Schwaz 30 40% 27% 33% 12 0.27 0.50 1.63 0.50 0.10 5%
Kitzbühel 30 30% 53% 17% 4 0.33 0.33 1.70 0.53 0.27 4%
Neumarkt 30 37% 53% 10% 4 0.57 0.87 4.60 0.87 0.80 10%
Seekirchen 30 33% 37% 30% 6 0.37 0.63 1.73 0.80 0.50 7%
Altach II 30 37% 47% 17% 8 0.07 0.13 0.30 0.23 0.13 2%
Kufstein 30 33% 43% 23% 8 0.30 0.60 1.53 0.67 0.53 6%
Reichenau 30 7% 70% 23% 1 0.67 0.63 2.00 0.70 0.40 8%
St. Johann 30 53% 23% 23% 9 0.43 0.90 2.40 0.83 0.40 9%
Dornbirn 30 50% 33% 17% 11
Wacker II 30 40% 40% 20% 9 0.57 0.60 2.80 0.83 0.60 9%
Bregenz SW 30 30% 50% 20% 5 0.20 0.43 1.23 0.17 0.27 4%
Pinzgau 30 37% 43% 20% 5 0.30 0.63 1.67 0.47 0.43 5%
Anif 30 60% 30% 10% 4 0.33 0.60 2.10 0.60 0.40 8%
Eugendorf 30 40% 37% 23% 5 0.13 0.43 1.07 0.27 0.43 4%
WSG Tirol 30 80% 10% 10% 18 0.37 0.80 3.13 0.87 0.83 8%
Hard 30 30% 40% 30% 12 0.13 0.53 0.73 0.53 0.43 4%
Austria II 30 33% 37% 30% 5 1.20 1.20 4.20 1.67 0.70 14%
Rapid II 30 23% 43% 33% 5 0.33 0.57 2.13 0.63 0.40 7%
Neusiedl 30 20% 43% 37% 3 0.30 0.27 1.30 0.37 0.43 3%
First Vienna 30 67% 10% 23% 14 1.40 2.17 4.53 1.93 0.87 17%
Amstetten 30 47% 20% 33% 10 0.40 0.53 1.80 0.40 0.23 5%
Ebreichsdorf 30 40% 33% 27% 7 0.40 0.47 1.20 0.63 0.10 5%
Horn 30 70% 10% 20% 11
Schwechat 30 23% 60% 17% 3 0.87 0.97 4.00 0.90 0.17 9%
Wiener SK 30 23% 50% 27% 5 0.73 1.07 3.60 0.87 0.67 10%
Parndorf 30 37% 33% 30% 7 0.27 0.33 1.70 0.50 0.33 5%
Sollenau 30 27% 47% 27% 4 0.30 0.33 2.03 0.37 0.23 5%
Ritzing 30 47% 20% 33% 13 0.20 0.23 0.87 0.40 0.13 4%
Stadlau 30 37% 30% 33% 5 0.77 0.57 1.93 0.57 0.23 6%
St. Pölten II 30 37% 43% 20% 12 0.47 0.40 1.93 0.40 0.00 5%
Admira II 30 30% 40% 30% 6 0.43 0.43 1.73 0.33 0.20 4%
Oberwart 30 17% 57% 27% 7 0.17 0.23 1.37 0.27 0.20 3%
DSC 30 40% 37% 23% 4 0.43 0.70 2.23 0.93 0.20 7%
Sturm II 30 30% 33% 37% 2 0.60 0.93 3.17 0.80 0.43 12%
Allerheiligen 30 47% 33% 20% 4 0.53 0.47 2.20 0.80 0.50 7%
Hartberg 30 60% 20% 20% 13 0.27 0.37 0.87 0.33 0.30 4%
Weiz 30 20% 53% 27% 3 0.17 0.13 1.33 0.37 0.20 4%
Gurten 30 37% 40% 23% 6 0.20 0.40 1.60 0.30 0.20 4%
ASV 30 17% 70% 13% 5 0.03 0.00 0.50 0.07 0.07 1%
WAC II 30 20% 63% 17% 3 0.73 0.30 1.50 0.63 0.73 7%
Vorwärts 30 30% 47% 23% 7
Juniors OÖ 30 50% 33% 17% 6 0.40 0.40 1.87 0.60 0.13 6%
Stadl-Paura 30 47% 33% 20% 10 0.30 0.47 1.40 0.47 0.40 5%
St. Florian 30 50% 27% 23% 7 0.47 0.43 1.63 0.53 0.43 5%
BW Linz 30 73% 13% 13% 13 0.37 0.63 2.50 0.97 0.80 8%
Lafnitz 30 50% 37% 13% 6 0.13 0.13 0.83 0.13 0.13 3%
Kalsdorf 30 53% 37% 10% 7 0.43 0.60 2.77 0.67 0.37 8%
Wallern 30 20% 67% 13% 2 0.07 0.33 1.20 0.23 0.20 3%
These values only take in consideration the regular match time (90 min).
Shots off Target: includes shots wide and shots that hit the woodwork..

Player Statistics

Simon Zangerl 32 1 3 30 27 3 2450
Yusuf Otubanjo 28 2 26 26 2195
Andreas Fischer 25 6 7 29 28 1 2484
Marco Hesina 25 3 7 26 26 2255
Dario Tadić 24 8 3 30 30 2677
Milan Vuković 22 4 5 30 30 2677
Michael Tieber 19 3 28 27 2 2414
Radovan Vujanovic 19 1 3 28 27 1 2362
Christian Dengg 17 5 4 29 29 2610
Rexhe Bytyci 17 5 3 28 21 8 1892
Benjamin Ajibade 16 4 30 27 3 2334
Tobias Pellegrini 16 2 3 19 19 1642
Benjamin Taferner 15 1 1 30 30 2686
Resul Omerović 15 1 2 29 22 8 2006
Eyüp Erdogan 15 2 5 28 25 3 2036
Osman Bozkurt 15 2 4 1 2 23 18 6 1598
Alexander Frank 14 2 14 14 1256
Yusuf Özüyer 13 2 27 26 2 2241
Manuel Gerner 13 5 27 20 7 1657
Sinisa Markovic 13 2 26 25 2 2020
Mario Petter 13 2 26 10 18 1201
Luka Dzidziguri 12 5 30 28 2 2577
Christoph Hübl 12 8 29 29 2598
Vinicius Maciel 12 1 6 29 29 2578
Manuel Krainz 12 1 6 1 1 29 29 2437


Team Average Over 0.5 Over 1.5 Over 2.5 Over 3.5 Over 4.5
Schwaz 2.8 87% 70% 47% 30% 20%
Kitzbühel 3.73 97% 93% 83% 53% 27%
Neumarkt 3.47 100% 87% 57% 40% 23%
Seekirchen 3.6 93% 87% 67% 50% 30%
Altach II 2.7 97% 80% 57% 17% 10%
Kufstein 2.93 87% 70% 63% 40% 17%
Reichenau 3.87 97% 87% 70% 50% 33%
St. Johann 3.03 97% 87% 67% 40% 10%
Dornbirn 3.23 90% 73% 57% 37% 27%
Wacker II 3.3 97% 93% 77% 37% 20%
Bregenz SW 3.5 93% 90% 80% 40% 27%
Pinzgau 3.67 97% 87% 67% 43% 33%
Anif 4.07 100% 97% 90% 63% 30%
Eugendorf 3.97 100% 90% 73% 53% 40%
WSG Tirol 3.3 97% 73% 60% 43% 30%
Hard 2.57 87% 77% 60% 23% 3%
Austria II 2.8 97% 80% 50% 33% 17%
Rapid II 3.17 93% 87% 50% 33% 20%
Neusiedl 3.47 93% 90% 67% 53% 17%
First Vienna 2.8 97% 77% 50% 23% 13%
Amstetten 2.7 93% 83% 57% 30% 7%
Ebreichsdorf 2.73 93% 77% 47% 30% 13%
Horn 3.6 97% 93% 63% 47% 33%
Schwechat 3.23 100% 93% 70% 40% 17%
Wiener SK 3.03 93% 80% 63% 47% 10%
Parndorf 3.47 100% 90% 70% 50% 13%
Sollenau 3.07 97% 80% 53% 40% 27%
Ritzing 2.93 90% 87% 57% 37% 13%
Stadlau 2.73 97% 73% 47% 30% 17%
St. Pölten II 2.43 90% 77% 47% 20% 7%
Admira II 3.4 97% 87% 57% 40% 37%
Oberwart 3.37 87% 80% 67% 47% 27%
DSC 3.07 100% 83% 60% 37% 17%
Sturm II 3.2 100% 100% 63% 37% 17%
Allerheiligen 3.1 100% 77% 53% 40% 30%
Hartberg 3.4 97% 87% 60% 47% 27%
Weiz 3.3 97% 90% 67% 40% 23%
Gurten 3.17 93% 87% 60% 33% 23%
ASV 3.67 97% 80% 57% 47% 40%
WAC II 3.27 97% 83% 63% 47% 17%
Vorwärts 2.83 93% 87% 60% 23% 10%
Juniors OÖ 3.5 97% 83% 77% 47% 23%
Stadl-Paura 3.57 97% 87% 70% 50% 23%
St. Florian 2.93 97% 73% 47% 33% 20%
BW Linz 3.8 97% 90% 70% 53% 33%
Lafnitz 3.8 100% 97% 77% 50% 23%
Kalsdorf 3.3 100% 83% 60% 37% 23%
Wallern 3.5 100% 93% 77% 47% 23%
League average 3.25 96% 84% 63% 40% 22%


Full time
Results Games %
1-1 79 11%
2-1 62 9%
2-0 53 7%
1-0 42 6%
2-2 40 6%
3-0 39 5%
0-1 38 5%
3-1 37 5%
1-2 33 5%
0-0 32 4%
1-3 29 4%
0-3 28 4%
0-2 25 3%
4-0 20 3%
4-1 20 3%
3-2 17 2%
2-3 15 2%
3-3 11 2%
1-4 11 2%
4-2 10 1%
2-4 9 1%
5-0 9 1%
5-1 7 1%
0-4 7 1%
6-1 5 1%
7-1 5 1%
5-3 5 1%
6-0 5 1%
1-6 3 0%
2-5 3 0%
4-3 3 0%
7-0 2 0%
0-5 2 0%
1-5 2 0%
6-2 2 0%
8-1 2 0%
5-4 1 0%
7-2 1 0%
2-9 1 0%
4-4 1 0%
3-8 1 0%
5-2 1 0%
0-6 1 0%
8-0 1 0%
Half time
Results Games %
0-0 162 23%
1-0 151 21%
0-1 116 16%
1-1 73 10%
2-0 59 8%
2-1 36 5%
0-2 29 4%
1-2 24 3%
3-0 20 3%
0-3 10 1%
3-1 8 1%
4-0 6 1%
2-2 6 1%
1-3 5 1%
4-1 5 1%
5-0 2 0%
1-4 2 0%
2-3 2 0%
3-2 1 0%
2-4 1 0%
5-1 1 0%
2-5 1 0%

Goals moments

Minutes Goals
0-15 204 12%
16-30 258 15%
31-45 270 16%
46-60 269 16%
61-75 279 17%
76-90 395 24%
First half 732 44%
Second half 943 56%
periods 31-45 and 76-90 also include added time

Regionalliga - 2015/2016

  • 100% 720 / 720 Games

  • Home team wins 48.47%
  • Draws 22.64%
  • Away team wins 28.89%
  • Over 1.5 84.44%
  • Over 2.5 62.64%
  • Over 3.5 40.14%
  • Goals 2341
  • Goals /match 3.25
  • Goals /match home 1.89
  • Goals /match away 1.36
  • Both teams score 57.78%
  • Goals after 80' 12.86%
No tv schedule yet for US (change)