When you are betting, it is not you against the world. It is you against yourself. It is brain against brain. Your mind fighting in a game of distrust, anxiety, indecision, ecstasy and regret.
Every decision has a story and each story is unique, as is the individual who experiences it.
When you are betting, it is not you against the world. It is you against yourself. It is brain against brain. Your mind fighting in a game of distrust, anxiety, indecision, ecstasy and regret. An important detail is that regret will always exist, even when you win a bet, as you will often think that you could have bet more or have done something different. This in addition to that feeling of the player when he is in a good phase, "I am very good", a state of megalomania through which everyone will pass, until a bad phase arrives, in which you lose a lot and for a long time, so distrust comes. In the end, depression sneaks up on you and, in this phase, you will inevitably feel like "crap."
These extreme phases of emotion are reflected in the long term and last a long time. It may seem like something we cannot grasp when we talk about the psychological side of betting, but that is when many get it wrong. These emotions and feelings do not arise in a limbo in which you are not betting. All of this happens in full action and you simply have to deal with it to continue your work. It is a mistake to think that the phase you are going through does not influence your decisions. Everything you live in sports betting, internally or externally, will influence your decisions, whoever you are, because you are a human being. That is unavoidable.
Many people talk about continuing work and fallowing the plan while we are going through a bad phase, but in fact, we cannot act indifferent to our mental state. Our decisions will be influenced by the current state and, at that time, it is necessary to intervene. What I mean is that many conflicting thoughts will cross your mind. The impulsiveness will speak louder, it will even shout in your ear so you do some "shit". Even worse, when that feeling of impulsivity works and you control yourself so you don't give in. At this point, it is impossible not to get upset.

Emotional intelligence
The daily life of the player is very difficult, full of complicated decisions. Sometimes we fear making mistakes and other times we think we have control. The sense of control sometimes happens when our decisions are correct. However, what happens when they are not? We are so stupid! We have no control over any event. We only control our decisions. That is, if they do not control us or if our current state does not control everything we do.
To avoid all this, there are simple attitudes that can maintain the health of your investments and the quality of your decisions, even in the most difficult times.
For each player, the basic part is the creation of rules of conduct and criteria for placing a bet. It is a vital part of the strategy creation process. The problem is that for the vast majority this will not work.
We can see the number of players who manage to be profitable in the long term and establish a relationship with those who do not. We have an alarming amount of failures in sports betting, and that is not only because those players do not know how to bet, study or create betting methods. The problem is of another kind, outside the mathematical axis. While everyone puts their strength into creating a method of betting, they forget to strengthen the psychological and emotional side.
Despite creating rules on how to act in a certain situation, studying all patterns, having the damn math in our favour, if we don't know our limits, or better, if we don't know ourselves, we will fail. Without a doubt, all these players have established systems for betting. They established their "mind set" (laughs) and, however, when things got tough, they turned out to be one more in the statistics of failures in sports betting. This is because of a simple thing: profile.

Reason vs emotion
The profile is the great villain and, at the same time, what we should keep in mind when we talk about investments in general. The maxim here, for you to understand, is that the world will not adapt to you, because you are an insignificant part of the whole. Therefore, it is you who needs to adapt to the world. However, what suits me may not be ideal for you. That is the problem. Each human being has its own features and individuality. He is someone unique and needs to be treated as such.
You have strengths and weaknesses in a certain task. You must understand your limits. When your strengths become weaknesses and your weaknesses can become resistance. It is necessary to build rules of conduct to invest, standardizing actions and attitudes, but that should respect your profile. However, it should be noted that it is not possible to trace your profile without putting yourself to the test, without going through all the possible garbage before defining your weaknesses and strengths. Without garbage, there is no history. Without mistakes, there is no learning.
Did you think you could become a great player in one day? It takes a lifetime.
But take it easy, I didn't bring you all the way here to give you nothing. Forget all those spreadsheets that make calculations for you to bet, forget all about "having a winning mind", the truth is that this winning mind only works for sellers and not for winners. What works for winners is hard work.
I will explain something to you. Do you know why creating rules of conduct and betting criteria does not work for the vast majority of people? You will probably already know, but I will answer anyway to follow the reasoning of the text. The rules will not work, since they must be adjusted coldly to control actions and attitudes, which is a very delicate and individual process. There is a certain ideal point and you can only adjust it by feeling it in practice. The player's profile can be largely defined in numbers. If you write down all your decisions, explain the reasons for the entries (something crucial) and plan your results, and from these results you create studies, you will understand a lot about yourself and you can create rules of conduct adapted to your needs.
You must understand that each rule you define cannot suppress your weaknesses, you must actually adjust the direction of these weaknesses so that they become strong points. I will explain it thoroughly now. You can give thanks and pay me a drink later! I will give it to you for free.
Let us look at my profile as an example. I am a very aggressive player. Before creating rules, I was just an impulsive idiot with a good feeling who spoiled everything when things were not going well. It turns out that to be profitable you must be aggressive. As much as my aggressiveness was something that spoiled everything at times when my head was hot, it was vital to be profitable. What I needed was to adjust this aggressiveness and channel it at the right time, or rather to the right situations. The same with regard to my "feeling". What we can say here is that the feeling is nothing more than a reflection of perceived patterns. Following a "feeling" without a mathematical basis to have a real test is bad, since you will not win in the long term, but if you have a trained mind to recognize patterns ("feeling") in a particular sport, do not hesitate to use it in the certain situations, when mathematics is also on your side.
What I did was simply to create rules and limits for betting. Quantities I could bet per game, in units. A maximum amount per bet. Definition of units to invest per match, according to pre-established criteria. If a prediction goes wrong, I simply close the operation, that is, I finish the strategy defined at that moment. Among many other minor rules, which adjusted my weaknesses and improved my strengths.

Emotional intelligence 3
The big secret here is: I follow a script. And because I follow the same script all the time, my mind has become accustomed to it. From that moment on I created reflexes, something that many call a winning mind, which is nothing more than education, repetition-based learning. A base that has been formed through actions that went well and attitudes that went wrong. That finally gave me criteria that are more refined. Many like to analyse winners. They look at them with admiration and try to repeat the actions and attitudes that worked for them. What they should do is analyse who has failed. You must analyse the mistakes, because what worked is just the top of a mountain, you don't know how they got there. You may not even have understood how much learning that WINNER needed to reach that level.
Every decision has a story. And each story is unique, as is the individual who experiences it. To reach the top of that mountain, my friend, one has to walk, without knowing the right path, the fastest or the most effective. You have to forget all that and follow "YOUR WAY". It may be longer, shorter, more turbulent, but remember that this is not a competition, you just have to get there. And when you reach the top, you can understand that it does not matter so much to you have arrived, it is the road that has been used that makes the difference. The arrival is only the realization of an apprenticeship, because you must remind yourself that there will always be another mountain, another summit, other paths to follow and go through difficulties.
If you do not understand the metaphor, what I say is that there will always be problems and you will have to face them. This will guarantee that you will always be changing, which implies new learning and, the main thing, guarantees stability. It is when we accept change and this whole process that we finally see that we cannot control anything and achieve the balance necessary to live in perfect harmony with everything around us.
sports betting, trading